Year 1 Semester 1
- Foundations of Education in Ghana
- Pedagogy: Inclusive School-Based Inquiry
- African Studies
- Introduction to Language and Literacy
- Introduction to Learning and Applying Number and Algebra
- Foundations of Social Studies and TVET
- Introduction to Integrated Science I
Year 1 Semester 2
- Introduction to Information and Communication Technology
- Physical Activity, Sports, Music and Dance
- Communication Skills
- Learning, Teaching and Applying Geometry and Handling Data
- Liberal Studies
- Psychological Basis of Learning
- Introduction to Integrated Science II
Year 2 Semester 1
- Introduction to English Language
- Teaching Speaking and Listening
- Principles and Rules of Writing a Ghanaian Language
- Differentiated Planning for Early Grade
- Introduction to Early Grade Science I
- Theories in the Learning of Numeracy for Early Grade
- Ghanaian Identity, Culture and Arts
- Nature of Early Grade
Year 2 Semester 2
- Multimedia Development and Use for Early Grade
- Teaching Reading and Writing
- Introduction to Early Grade Science II
- Teaching and Assessing Numeracy for Early Grade
- Policy Document and Syllabus Analysis in Physical Education and Music for Early Grade
- Child Growth and Development
Year 3 Semester 1
- Teaching & Assessing Numeracy I for EGE
- English Language Curriculum for Early Grade
- Guidance and Counseling for Early Grade
- Sports, PE, Music & Dance
- Written Literature of A Gh. Lang.
- Introduction to Early Grade Science III
- Children’s Literature
- Child Health, Safety and Security
Year 3 Semester 2
- Inquiry and Action Research for Upper Primary
- Literacy Across the Curriculum
- Teaching ad Assessing mathematics for Upper Primary (Advanced)
- Oral Literature of a Ghanaian Language
- English Language Classroom organisation, Management and Assessment
- Preparing to Teach Upper Primary Science
- Cultural Landscape and Food Production in Ghana
Year 4 Semester 1
- STS: Extended Teaching (Internship)
- Portfolio Development
- Action Research Project
Year 4 Semester 2
- Administration and Management of Early Grade Schools
- STS: Extending Teaching II (Post Internship Seminar)
- Translation Practice
- Contemporary Issues in EGE