

The Science department is one of the six departments of the college and is in charge of training teachers in scientific methods, contents and assessments. its main duty is to ensure that teacher trainees are well vexed when it comes to Science education and research. it collaborates with other institutions in terms of students, staffs and expertise to provide excellent results in Science education at both local and international levels. The department also organizes in-service programs for teachers in areas that are unfamiliar to them.

Head of Department

Dr. Adolf Oti-Boakye

Academic Affairs Officer

Christiana Peprah Dabanka

STS Coordinator

Isaac Boateng

Sports Coordinator

Ernest Owusu Adjei

Head of Department

Dr. Adolf Oti-Boakye

Academic Affairs Officer

Christiana Peprah Dabanka

STS Coordinator

Isaac Boateng

Sports Coordinator

Ernest Owusu Adjei