“Ut Sint Unum, Dieu Le Veut” meaning “it is the will of God that we may all be one”.
To be a College of Education producing morally, academically and professionally competent teachers capable of operating worldwide.
St. Louis College of Education shall provide a unique teacher Professional Education that endows products with the requisite academic and professional know-how to empower them for basic school teaching for the betterment of the learners’ spiritual, intellectual and moral well-being.

The core values that are always at the heart of St. Louis College of Education’s motto, mission and vision ground and enliven the College’s Academic and Co-Curricular Programs and its Operating Ethos. The core values ground and enliven the College’s Catholic Identity, Mercy, Heritage and Commitment to knowledge for both personal enhancement and social progress.
This value moves members of the College Community to understand the gifts and unique contributions of every person and to value diverse perspectives. There is respect for personal dignity and individual potential. The College maintains an historic commitment to promoting social justice and the common good so that students complete their training with a heightened sense of personal purpose as scholars, professionals and global citizens.
This value commits members of the College community to challenge them to utilize their God-Given Gifts: Intellectual, Social, Physical, Spiritual and Ethical to consistently strive for outcomes that are exemplary rather than simply satisfactory, such striving for excellence touches all aspects of College life; from Academic Programs to Professional Programs, Moral Programs to Sporting Programs, from Students Services to Campus Environment and from Recruitment to Special Occasions and daily Business. In addition, members of the College community seek to pursue knowledge and truth throughout their lives in ways that improve the community and that strengthen their understanding of one another. The community therefore displays a strong commitment to education as a means of liberating people to live meaningful lives as well as earn a decent living. In view of this, the College believes that teaching is not only a job but is a way of life. It is a sublime task one can be ever entrusted with. Teachers educate generation of learners and in their hands lie the fate of any nation.
The College cherishes a high standard of cleanliness and put into practice the keeping of the College’s environment clean, hygienic, healthy and conducive for people to live in. The members of the College community value excellence in providing a serene, pure and unadulterated environment for students, staff and all visitors to the College. This value is always inculcated into the students based on the fact that the College believes that cleanliness is next to godliness and clean environment is a recipe for a healthy personality development.
The value of service calls the members of the College community to use our gifts, talents and abilities to advance the genuine well-being of our community and those we encounter. Service to student is a basic tenet of life at St. Louis College of education, as is service by students and staff – each lending personal skills and professional expertise to assist others. The College values the manifold ways teacher trainees creatively and deliberately apply their learning to the common good.
This value gives the members of the College community the ability to realize the greater good in our actions and programs and challenges us to look at our work and ourselves holistically and one united with others across the globe. Integrity, whether personal or institutional, implies coherence between words and acts and calls each member of the St. Louis College of Education community to live in accordance with what the College professes to be as an educational institution with a Catholic character.
This value builds St. Louis College of Education community to foster a climate that is open and welcoming to diverse people, ideas and perspectives; that promote a constructive discourse on the nature of diversity; and that engages staff, students and all stakeholders in activities that promote the College’s Core Values. This value compels the members of the College community to stand with and embrace others in their suffering that, together, we may experience God’s liberating and healing presence.